C-H Bond +4 kJ/mol

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Camila Bautista 3I
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C-H Bond +4 kJ/mol

Postby Camila Bautista 3I » Sun Mar 06, 2016 7:28 pm

Is the +4 a predetermined value? Or is there a way to calculate it? And what exactly does it indicate?
So for example, "The relative energy difference between the eclipsed and staggered conformations of ethane is approximately -12 kJ/mol. Since ethane's eclipsed conformation has three pairs of eclipsed C-H bonds we can estimate that each unfavorable interaction per pair of eclipsed C-H bonds is +4 kJ/mol."

Was the -12 kJ/mol a predetermined value?

Kurtis Lavelle 1k
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Re: C-H Bond +4 kJ/mol

Postby Kurtis Lavelle 1k » Sun Mar 06, 2016 11:02 pm

The -12 kJ is the given value. Since we know that there are three eclipsed bonds, we divide by three to get the 4kJ value. The 4kJ value indicates the extra energy it takes to form this conformation.

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Re: C-H Bond +4 kJ/mol

Postby Nikhita_Jaaswal_2H » Sun Mar 12, 2017 9:19 pm

This value is calculated and is constant for all the C-H bonds

Narin Maisha 2H
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Re: C-H Bond +4 kJ/mol

Postby Narin Maisha 2H » Thu Mar 10, 2022 5:20 am

The -12kJ is a predetermined value and the value +4kJ/mol is a calculated value found later.

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Re: C-H Bond +4 kJ/mol

Postby marcelnajjar » Wed Mar 13, 2024 12:42 pm

Camila Bautista 3I wrote:Is the +4 a predetermined value? Or is there a way to calculate it? And what exactly does it indicate?
So for example, "The relative energy difference between the eclipsed and staggered conformations of ethane is approximately -12 kJ/mol. Since ethane's eclipsed conformation has three pairs of eclipsed C-H bonds we can estimate that each unfavorable interaction per pair of eclipsed C-H bonds is +4 kJ/mol."

Was the -12 kJ/mol a predetermined value?

Yes it is predetermined and a constant value for bonds

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