Achieve Weeks 2-4 #6


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Achieve Weeks 2-4 #6

Postby 106046096 » Sat Dec 09, 2023 10:40 pm

Hi! I need help on how to find the maximum number of electrons with a total energy of 8.51 x 10^-7. What equations would I use to solve this problem?

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Re: Achieve Weeks 2-4 #6

Postby 106036120 » Sat Dec 09, 2023 11:30 pm

To answer this question you need to first find the work function, which is the amount of energy needed to release an electron.
The formula is .
Once you figure out you can then divide the energy given by the question (8.51 x 10^-7) by to get the maximum number of electrons.

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