Key Concept for Midterm 1


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Key Concept for Midterm 1

Postby 505900922 » Tue Oct 24, 2023 10:36 pm

One of the things we need to be able to do is:

“Understand the relationship between Schrodinger's equation (H ψ = E ψ), wave functions, and orbitals.”

Can anyone explain/answer this?

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Re: Key Concept for Midterm 1

Postby 606045283 » Tue Oct 24, 2023 10:56 pm

What I can explain about this is that the ψ represents the height of a wave at position n,l,ml (they're quantum numbers, orbitals), the hamiltonian (H) represents a double derivative, E the energy of e^-. I also do know that for ψ, it can have many solutions and many orbitals. What connects them all together though is that in lecture we are told that the schrodinger's wave function equation uses a wave function to describe an electron within an atom that displays wavelike properties and unmeasured momentum and position. Now connecting it to the orbitals, they are related because with schrodinger's wave equation it can be solved with 3 quantum numbers for one electron atoms.

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