Balancing chemical r

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Balancing chemical r

Postby 406025813 » Sun Dec 10, 2023 3:03 pm

My question about atomic balances, I understand how to make them but when making the balance I get confused when we join it to the water or to another element how do we know which element will go?

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Re: Balancing chemical r

Postby 305878818 » Sun Dec 10, 2023 7:56 pm

When balancing chemical equations and joining elements to water or other compounds, consider common reaction patterns. For metals, reactions often involve the formation of metal hydroxides and hydrogen gas when reacting with water. Non-metals, particularly halogens, may replace each other in reactions. Oxygen typically appears as O2 in the air, and reactions with it result in the formation of oxides. Hydrogen generally appears as H2 and forms water or compounds with other elements. For polyatomic ions, ensure they are balanced as a whole. Familiarity with these patterns and the properties of elements will help in predicting which elements form which compounds in a given reaction.

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