Advice on how to navigate Chem Community
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Advice on how to navigate Chem Community
Does anyone have any advice on how to navigate through Chem community? This is my first time using the platform and it seems a bit complicated to use, especially since there are an overwhelming amount of posts and topics. Thanks!
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Re: Advice on how to navigate Chem Community
On Chemistry Community you have to log in using your UID, then find CHEM 14B. All the topics are posted there, including questions related to the topic. You can post a new question(like you have done), or repluy to other peoples questions by clicking the post reply button at the bottom of the page.
- Posts: 102
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Re: Advice on how to navigate Chem Community
Once you log in, go to "quick links" on the top left corner. If you go to "active topics", it will show you all of the topics people have been discussing recently so you can start replying to those.
Once you log in, go to "quick links" on the top left corner. If you go to "active topics", it will show you all of the topics people have been discussing recently so you can start replying to those.
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Re: Advice on how to navigate Chem Community
Another tip is to utilize the search function in the quick links tab. If I have a question on sapling and I don't really want to wait a long time for a response, I just search sapling in the searchbar and try and find the question number.
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Re: Advice on how to navigate Chem Community
It can feel a bit overwhelming, something that has helped me was the active topic section you can find under quick links, it gave me a way to find relevant topics that I can reply to!
Re: Advice on how to navigate Chem Community
Another thing I would like to mention is to don't be afraid to ask questions! This was created so that we can engage with one another and help each other out. If there's something you don't know, chances are someone else is having the same problem. Tip: When posting a question, try posting it in the appropriate topic. For example a question regarding the logistics of the class itself should be posted in the Administrative Questions and Class Announcements
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Re: Advice on how to navigate Chem Community
Hi guys this is my first time using chem community as well. So far I know how to post replies but how do I post a new question? When I went to the FAQ it said there would be a new post button somewhere below but for some reason I don't see it. Is there another way to post questions?
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Re: Advice on how to navigate Chem Community
Hi! You can post questions by going into a section for the Topic/Unit and clicking the top button that says "New Topic."
- Posts: 100
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Re: Advice on how to navigate Chem Community
You can go through the Board Index to find topics that correspond to each course. Clicking on a topic will lead to a subsection with many questions and answers about that topic. You can click "Post a Reply" to answer a question on a post.
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Re: Advice on how to navigate Chem Community
Hi! If you see a post that you want to reply to click on it and then click post reply to type out a reply. Sometimes after I post it tells me the number of posts I have made under my name in the reply I just left. This number is almost usually off by a number for me, make sure to click on your actual account near the top right hand corner of the website and check the actual number of posts you are made so you wont miss any points. :)
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Re: Advice on how to navigate Chem Community
Good question! I normally use the Active topics link under Quick links in the upper lefthand corner to read and respond to more recent posts. To post a question, you create a post and put it within a category. To see how many posts you have per week, you go to Your posts under Quick links, and I change the time frame to last 7 days so that I can see how many posts I made that week.
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Re: Advice on how to navigate Chem Community
I'll second Jason here and say that the search function is also extraordinarily helpful in addition to the quick links and board index. Not only is it good for finding sapling questions, but it's also great for looking up specific content within the subtopics. Hope that (and the various other responses on this thread) helped! :D
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Re: Advice on how to navigate Chem Community
When I use this website, I usually just scroll down to the topics on the home page and find the topic that we learned about for the week. Then I answer questions under certain posts. I usually use quick links a lot because it helps me check to see how many posts I've made so far. Sometimes, if you want to stray away from the academic content there's also usually a separate section where you can answer posts regarding study posts or just chem jokes in general.
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Re: Advice on how to navigate Chem Community
I heavily rely on the "Quick links" tab on the top left to navigate chemistry community, from there you can best explore the newest posts and the differing topics you may need help in or what to help someone out in.
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Re: Advice on how to navigate Chem Community
All you would need to do is use the "Quick links" at the top left corner and go to "New posts" in order to find the most recent posts. There is a big "Post reply" button once you click into these posts that you can use to reply and answer questions. Hope this helps a little!
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Re: Advice on how to navigate Chem Community
I agree with what everyone else was saying! The quick links tab is very helpful. Another tip, if you wanna check how many posts you made for this week or overall, you can go to the "Your Posts" tab under quick links. I always use it to double check I posted 5 times a week. You can also click on your name when you make a post to view this (:
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Re: Advice on how to navigate Chem Community
Quick links is really helpful when you need to find your previous posts, new posts, and other categories!
- Posts: 99
- Joined: Wed Sep 30, 2020 9:38 pm
Re: Advice on how to navigate Chem Community
I was in 14A last quarter and I actually didn't even realize the "Quick Links" menu was that helpful LOL Thanks to Kiana for starting this thread and everyone else for mentioning this. I will be definitely using that tip.
Re: Advice on how to navigate Chem Community
Hi Chem community,
I wanted to ask for some general advice on how to find my way around the forum. This is my first quarter on this site and any advice would be great. Thanks !
I wanted to ask for some general advice on how to find my way around the forum. This is my first quarter on this site and any advice would be great. Thanks !
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