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6th edition 11.81

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 10:55 pm
by Samantha Man 1L
"A reactor for the production of ammonia by the Haber process is found to be at equilibrium with PN2 " 3.11 bar, PH2 " 1.64 bar, and PNH3 " 23.72 bar. If the partial pressure of N2 is increased by 1.57 bar, what will be the partial pressure of each gas once equilibrium is re-established?" I'm confused on how to start the problem and what values to use for the ICE box.

Re: 6th edition 11.81

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 11:15 pm
by Searra Harding 4I
Plug in your initial that you are given as well as the change that you are given into ice box. Substitute what you don't know for x to start.

Re: 6th edition 11.81

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 10:28 am
by Nicklas_Wright_1A
You also have to calculate K using the equilibrium pressures.