Achieve #15


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Kaethe Zappacosta 2L
Posts: 106
Joined: Fri Sep 24, 2021 7:29 am

Achieve #15

Postby Kaethe Zappacosta 2L » Fri Jan 28, 2022 2:30 pm

Automobile airbags contain solid sodium azide, NaN3, that reacts to produce nitrogen gas when heated, thus inflating the bag.


Calculate the value of work, w, for the system if 10.6 g NaN3 reacts completely at 1.00 atm and 22 ∘ C.

can someone please walk through the steps of this with the numbers given? I know we find moles of N2 gas, but i dont know where to go from there

Jacqueline Wheeler 3I
Posts: 51
Joined: Thu Feb 18, 2021 12:15 am

Re: Achieve #15

Postby Jacqueline Wheeler 3I » Fri Jan 28, 2022 5:20 pm

First you take 10.6 g NaN3 and divide by the molar mass, which is 65 g/mol. Then you multiply by 3 mol N2 over 2 mol NaN3 to get the number of moles N2. Next you have to find the volume by using the equation V = nRT / P. You would just use the given value for pressure (1 atm), 298 K (22 degrees celsius + 273), and 8.206 x 10^-2 as the value of R. To find work, you use the equation w = -(external pressure)(change in volume). Finally multiply this value by the conversion factor 101.325 J / (L x atm) to get your answer in J.

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