Using Van't Hoff

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Avantika MOhan_2B
Posts: 100
Joined: Fri Sep 29, 2023 11:18 am

Using Van't Hoff

Postby Avantika MOhan_2B » Thu Mar 14, 2024 11:26 am

We've now learned of a few different ways to calculate K (equilibrium constant) with temperature change. Is Van't Hoff only used when we have an enthalpy value? What could we use instead?

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Re: Using Van't Hoff

Postby 605909366 » Thu Mar 14, 2024 11:39 am

When we want to see how temperature affects the equilibrium constant K, we often use the Van't Hoff equation, especially if we know the enthalpy change ΔH^o of the reaction. But if we don't have that information, we can still figure it out. One way is by looking at how the reaction quotient Q changes with temperature. We can also do experiments at different temperatures to directly see how K changes. And if we're feeling fancy, we can use complex computer simulations to predict it. So, whether we have ΔH^o or not, there are ways to figure out how temperature shakes things up in chemical reactions.

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