Cell Potential in Neurons and Nerves

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Cell Potential in Neurons and Nerves

Postby Jimin_Kim_3C » Thu Mar 14, 2024 12:13 pm

I remember Professor briefly mentioning cell potential in the cases of neurons and nerves. Can anyone explain how the cell potential plays a role in these two scenarios?

Alex Denman 2G
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Re: Cell Potential in Neurons and Nerves

Postby Alex Denman 2G » Thu Mar 14, 2024 12:26 pm

Hey there! Basically, neurons are sort of like an example of a concentration cell. In the axons of neurons, there are different levels of potassium and sodium ions inside and outside of the neuron, creating a voltage difference. This allows the axon of the neuron to create an electrical charge as the gates open and let the sodium and potassium ions move freely across the membrane. Basically, the cell potential in this case is determined by the concentrations of sodium and potassium inside and outside of the "cell."

Annaleese Ramos 1E
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Re: Cell Potential in Neurons and Nerves

Postby Annaleese Ramos 1E » Thu Mar 14, 2024 12:31 pm

I believe that cell potential plays a role in neurons and nerves because cell potential has an electrical charge which helps transmit signals. For neurons, they send messages in the form if electrical signals and the cell potential helps the signal travel along the neuron. Nerves are bundles of fiber that carry messages between the brain, spinal cord and body parts where the cell potential in nerves help the messages travel quickly along the nerve fibers. I hope this helps.

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