Changing equations

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RJ Lopez 2l
Posts: 104
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Changing equations

Postby RJ Lopez 2l » Sat Oct 16, 2021 9:17 am

I’m having a hard time trying to manipulate this equation I saw in the text book, could someone explain it pls

hv = work function = wavelength = ch/work function

Tianle Zheng
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Re: Changing equations

Postby Tianle Zheng » Sat Oct 16, 2021 10:38 am

Is this the exact equation exhibited in the textbook? because I'm not quite sure if hv can equal lambda since frequency and wavelength are negatively related. However, I can try to help explain why ch/work function = lambda.
work function is hv

so ch/work function = lambda can be seen as

ch/hv = lambda
h can be eliminated, so the function turns to c/v = lambda, which could be transformed to c = v * lambda.

Posts: 104
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Re: Changing equations

Postby almaortega » Mon Oct 18, 2021 12:04 am

Basically, what they did was combine the two equations c=lambda*nu and phi=h*nu by setting them equal to each other and manipulating the equation to solve for lambda. The nu's cancel out and you are left with lamba=ch/phi which helps solve for wavelength when the kinetic energy is 0.

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