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Postby April_Tello_2H » Sun Mar 17, 2024 9:54 pm

Hello, this is more of a general question in me asking what it enzyme kinetics and when would I use the equations, in what situations ? This is something I didnt get to learning but would still like to know when it would come into place. Does it have a connection with catalysts ? what units are we looking and using to solve for it. Please let me know

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Re: Enzyme

Postby mehaksk » Sun Mar 17, 2024 10:22 pm

Enzyme kinetics is the study of the rates of enzyme-catalyzed reactions. The Michaelis-Menten equation is central to this field, relating reaction rate to substrate concentration and enzyme activity. You'd use these equations to:

Measure how fast an enzyme converts substrate to product.
Determine enzyme efficiency and substrate affinity.
Analyze the impact of inhibitors on enzyme activity.

Enzyme kinetics is related to catalysts because enzymes are biological catalysts that accelerate reactions. Units commonly used include concentration, reaction velocity, and the Michaelis constant, which also has concentration units. This field is essential for understanding and manipulating biochemical pathways and drug development.

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