Final Jitters
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Re: Final Jitters
Hey, I like many others also struggle with a lot of anxiety. Very often when it comes to finals I have difficulty sleeping and am just general uncomfortable before. What helps me is to make sure to schedule time to cool down after the exam. There are definitely ways to be less stressed before like everyone has said, but I think that the after final is also very helpful and is something to look forward to. I hope this helps.
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- Joined: Mon Jan 09, 2023 2:41 am
Re: Final Jitters
Anvi Brahmbhatt 4A wrote:Definitely start studying a while before the exams, and do as many practice problems as you can! Working out problems really helps solidify concepts and makes you prepared. Do not try cramming the night before; it never helps.
Exactly. For this type of class doing practice problems will be the only way to prepare for the exams. Since if you nail down how to use a formula or a method of finding the answer. It is just mostly plugs and chugs with the values given. Also, one thing that has really helped me in the past is just slowly pacing back in forward over a long distance. While thinking positively about the outcome.
Re: Final Jitters
What worked best for me is to change your mindset as a whole. I know that as a student - at UCLA no less - that grades can feel like the most important thing in your life. And to some extent you would be right to think that, but in the grander scheme of things, whats the point in stressing yourself out over one final/midterm? Once you finish that test, that's it. There is nothing you can do after the fact that would let you change or alter you grade/answers to the test. My motto is to try my best studying/working for the test, and the after that, completely forgetting it. What has happened has happened. Leave it at that and focus on your mental health, and realize, that at the end of the day, one letter on the UCLA website does not define you, or the type of student you are.
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- Joined: Mon Jan 09, 2023 8:54 am
Re: Final Jitters
I always find that beginning studying at least a week in advance is the most helpful time period. I try to study extra hard two days before the test and then once I feel that I can quiz myself on the material and understand the answers I call it a night and go to bed as early as possible. I struggle with testing anxiety, so before taking the test in the morning I do not look at the material and instead do my normal getting ready routine, leaving myself an extra 10 minutes before I leave for the test. In those last 10 minutes I look over formulas and problems and then put the material away. I always try to think in a confident mindset that it will be okay no matter what, it’s just a test for a class that in 10 years you won’t even remember. I like to try to put things in perspective and think of my broader goals and think of 5 things on the walk to the test that I enjoy outside of school and some things I’m looking forward to. If I have to something to look forward to it helps me to get through the anxiety a little better if I understand what I’m working towards!
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- Joined: Mon Jan 09, 2023 2:20 am
Re: Final Jitters
Something that helps me when I get anxiety before a test is listening to music and taking deep breaths.
Re: Final Jitters
Hello! I also have a really bad test anxiety! Reading that many people also have test anxiety makes me feel SO much better because I know that it's not just a "me" problem. With that, I want to share a few things that have helped me throughout my life. First, it is so important to not cram everything up at the end (which I learned the hard way and is still continuing to learn). I know, it's easier said than done but I usually try to spread my study over time in which I would just spend at least an hour on a specific subject; that way, I don't feel as if I have to do so many work for one class in one day. Next, I do not try to reread everything on the day of the test. Also, if the test is multiple choice, I usually already have a "backup" answer if I am absolutely lost. For instance, my backup answer is usually "B." So if I was stuck on a problem and I no longer have time to answer, I will just pick "B" automatically. Finally, I want to share something that my high school teacher told me before and it is so SO SO important to acknowledge that we are getting tested on what we know, not what we do not know.
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- Joined: Mon Jan 09, 2023 9:34 am
Re: Final Jitters
Many people undermine the importance of sleep! Getting a full night's rest make's me feel more alert and less on edge.
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- Joined: Mon Jan 09, 2023 9:44 am
Re: Final Jitters
For me I know that studying a lot the day before an exam can increase my anxiety so I try to avoid that as much as possible. When I walk to the exam I consistently tell myself that I've done everything I can to prepare and I can't change the outcome. Also making sure I get enough sleep the night before and getting myself a coffee or something before to celebrate.
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- Joined: Mon Jan 09, 2023 10:15 am
Re: Final Jitters
Right before a big exam, I like to review/do a bunch of practice problems and tests by either finding some or redoing old exercises. I find this much more effective than cramming, because not only does it let me have a less stressful night before the exam, but also I go to bed feeling well prepared and ready.
I also think making a large "cheat-sheet" helps you get all the big ideas out on one paper, so it is easy to study and memorize before the exam as well.
I also think making a large "cheat-sheet" helps you get all the big ideas out on one paper, so it is easy to study and memorize before the exam as well.
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- Joined: Mon Jan 09, 2023 9:19 am
Re: Final Jitters
Hey, I suggest going on a walk and listening to music before an exam, it usually helps me calm my nerves and is a great study break!
- Posts: 39
- Joined: Mon Jan 09, 2023 2:23 am
Re: Final Jitters
Sleeping early enough so that you are able to wake up with lots of extra time to just relax, especially if you have a test early in the morning. That way, you can take time to take a walk or get in a little snack. That is what really helps.
- Posts: 24
- Joined: Mon Jan 09, 2023 8:37 am
Re: Final Jitters
I like to make sure I have everything I'll need for the final packed in my bag the night before. The sooner you start reviewing the less uncomfortable the final will be for you! Though that's easier said than done....
Re: Final Jitters
Will the midterm be based off of class lecture material or is it heavily based off of the textbook as well? Are the textbook questions more helpful or is going over lecture material the best way to study?
Re: Final Jitters
I practice square breathing where I would breathe in for 8 sec, hold for 8 sec, breathe out for 8 sec, then hold for 8 sec. Also, to help me put this into perspective, I think about all the the stressful tests ahi had before this and how I am still okay no matter how I performed on those tests. You got this!
Re: Final Jitters
This might be counterintuitive but it helps to remind yourself that we are simply floating on a rock chemistry is made up to explain what is happening around us and if you really do not know it after doing everything you can to prepare well then you don't know it. But be positive and believe in yourself because your grade will look the way that it does whether you are stressed or not.
Re: Final Jitters
I am very nervous for the midterm especially because there isn't a lot of questions and if i do a simple calculation error and get even one question wrong I can lose so many points off the overall midterm.
Does anybody have any tips for time management practice for a test? For example is there anything I can do outside of the classroom to make me a faster test taker? Oftentimes I understand the material but spend too much time on one question so I'm left with such little time for the rest of the questions and rush. I want to fix this but don't know what practices to implement so that i can do this.
Does anybody have any tips for time management practice for a test? For example is there anything I can do outside of the classroom to make me a faster test taker? Oftentimes I understand the material but spend too much time on one question so I'm left with such little time for the rest of the questions and rush. I want to fix this but don't know what practices to implement so that i can do this.
- Posts: 34
- Joined: Mon Jan 09, 2023 9:20 am
Re: Final Jitters
Some tips that I follow to relieve test anxiety is that I try to not look at any material the day of the exam as it would get me even more stressed and anxious before the exam. So instead, I would try to find something to help me relax or get my mind off the exam, such as watching a show or exercising.
- Posts: 48
- Joined: Mon Jan 09, 2023 8:37 am
Re: Final Jitters
In high school I struggled with anxiety especially while taking a test. Something that helped me ease my anxiety is by doing something other than studying the night before a test, especially some sort of exercise. This helped me take my mind off the stress that was consuming me. Hope this helps!
In high school I struggled with anxiety especially while taking a test. Something that helped me ease my anxiety is by doing something other than studying the night before a test, especially some sort of exercise. This helped me take my mind off the stress that was consuming me. Hope this helps!
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- Joined: Mon Jan 09, 2023 2:19 am
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Re: Final Jitters
Did anyone else study the totally wrong stuff? I studied like way too much math and not enough concepts haha.
- Posts: 39
- Joined: Mon Jan 09, 2023 2:23 am
Re: Final Jitters
Does anyone have advice for multiple choice tests? I often find that I do terribly on multiple choice and somewhat better on FRQs. I'm trying to get better for the next midterm?
Re: Final Jitters
Hello! After taking the first midterm for chem 14b, I have concluded that it is so important to get eight hours of sleep in order for your brain to perform at its best. It is also important to eat before the midterm so that you can focus on the exam rather than what's for dinner.
- Posts: 35
- Joined: Mon Jan 09, 2023 2:49 am
Re: Final Jitters
It can be very helpful to get a lot of sleep so you are in a good mindset and feel awake and focused for your test.
- Posts: 34
- Joined: Mon Jan 09, 2023 8:35 am
Re: Final Jitters
Sydney_Hoang_Dis1B wrote:Does anyone have advice for multiple choice tests? I often find that I do terribly on multiple choice and somewhat better on FRQs. I'm trying to get better for the next midterm?
Me too,
Maybe practice questions where you get a single answer, to mimic what's most common on MCQs!
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- Joined: Mon Jan 09, 2023 10:09 am
Re: Final Jitters
Listen to music, get enough sleep, eat, get some exercise in, and don't stress about it too much or study last minute.
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- Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2022 9:58 am
Re: Final Jitters
Wow, I love the support in here :) Just to add to what everyone has said, take some time to chill before the exam. If you've studied, you should feel confident in your ability to answer any question to the best of your knowledge. Also eat a good breakfast! You need enough energy to concentrate.
Re: Final Jitters
As someone who fainted during her first SAT, I totally get the test anxiety. I have not mastered it yet, but I will say a helpful tool for me is taking a step back and recognizing that one exam does not define me. Seems simple and in this moment, yes, exams do mean a lot. I just think that by allowing yourself to remove the pressure will then open room for more knowledge. It is hard to study and grasp concepts when the back of your mind is just thinking about the "what ifs"
Re: Final Jitters
What would you guys recommend to do the night before the final??? I tend to have a hard time staying calm and stressing about the exams the day before.
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- Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2022 9:34 am
Re: Final Jitters
I would take deep breaths and try not to study like right before the test because cramming can induce anxiety
- Posts: 34
- Joined: Mon Jan 09, 2023 2:49 am
Re: Final Jitters
Hi guys! Does anyone have any tips on how to study for the final and if its cumulative? I feel like I have little time to truly go over everything
Re: Final Jitters
In preparation for the final some things that help me are taking breaks that 1 help me recharge and 2 is something that I enjoy so I don't get burnt out. When it comes to the final and the day of the exam, I like to give myself time where I don't think about the exam right before I take it so I don't overthink or psych myself out. During the test, I like to need all the problems first and hop around based on level of difficulty. I also have test anxiety and this is super helpful because as you work on the problems you are more confident in they give you clues/help you solve the ones that may be harder to solve/understand.
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Re: Final Jitters
Does anyone know if we get extra credit for filling out the feedback form for the end of the quarter? Please let me know!
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- Joined: Mon Jan 09, 2023 8:29 am
Re: Final Jitters
I'm really enjoying reading all of these tips :) it is super helpful because this is something I struggle with too.
Obviously it helps a lot to just be prepared and know that you studied your hardest and did the best you could to prepare. Having anxious thoughts during an exam can be really distracting so I like to take deep breaths whenever I feel them clouding my focus and remind myself that it'll pass!
Obviously it helps a lot to just be prepared and know that you studied your hardest and did the best you could to prepare. Having anxious thoughts during an exam can be really distracting so I like to take deep breaths whenever I feel them clouding my focus and remind myself that it'll pass!
Re: Final Jitters
When it comes to taking final exams I always make sure to do a quick review at least 1 hour before the exam and be confident in what I have studied during the week. Once I get to the place of where the exam is being taken I just take deep breaths, drink water and just try to relax as much as possible.
- Posts: 33
- Joined: Mon Jan 09, 2023 2:45 am
Re: Final Jitters
I am a terrible test taker because I get the worst anxiety and everything that I know escapes my mind when I look at a question on a test. So, something I have been trying (and most definitely am still working on) is pretending like I'm just taking a practice test or working on problems in my room. I walk my mind through the processes I would go through when learning a concept and if it wasn't working I would take an educated guess to have an answer marked and move on to the next question. Then, when I have time at the end of the test return to it. But definitely moving on to questions you are more confident in will increase your confidence for when you return to the one you are unsure about.
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- Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2022 9:55 am
Re: Final Jitters
I would recommend to start studying early. Procrastination can cause unnecessary stress and anxiety, so start studying well in advance of the exam. You can do this by creating a study plan -- organize your study material and make a study plan that includes specific goals and deadlines. A clear plan will help reduce stress and make you feel more in control. As for more personal health tips, I would recommend getting enough sleep. The test is very early in the morning and a lack of sleep can increase anxiety, so make sure you get enough sleep before the exam. You can also try practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and mindfulness meditation can help you relax and reduce anxiety. Also take regular breaks from studying to relax and do something you enjoy. This can help reduce stress and increase focus when you return to studying. And I think most importantly: Talk to someone. Talk to a friend, family member, or counselor about your feelings. Sometimes just talking about your anxiety can help you feel better and more in control. Remember, it's normal to feel anxious before an exam, but with the right strategies, you can reduce your anxiety and perform your best on the final exam.
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- Joined: Mon Jan 09, 2023 2:38 am
Re: Final Jitters
I personally have an anxiety playlist that really helps soothe me, I highly recommend making one. Nothing like music to help calm you. Maybe play it while you study so you feel calm while taking the test. Along with that, I also take ashwagandha root extract gummies. Its one of those things my mom found for my anxiety haha. But they honestly help and calm me down. I take one little gummy and I feel a lot more at ease. They also taste good!
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- Joined: Mon Jan 09, 2023 2:38 am
Re: Final Jitters
I personally have an anxiety playlist that really helps soothe me, I highly recommend making one. Nothing like music to help calm you. Maybe play it while you study so you feel calm while taking the test. Along with that, I also take ashwagandha root extract gummies. Its one of those things my mom found for my anxiety haha. But they honestly help and calm me down. I take one little gummy and I feel a lot more at ease. They also taste good!
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- Joined: Wed Feb 09, 2022 8:32 pm
Re: Final Jitters
One thing I always try and tell myself right before the final is that i've done everything I can by that point, and no amount of worry or thinking is going to change the amount that I studied previously. That way I can go into it feeling like i've done all I can at that point and all I can do then is to just take the test, whether I studied enough or I didn't. How I do on it is presently out of my control at the moment I start taking the test. It's not like I have time to study more at that point and all I can do is just move forward and take it and hope for the best.
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- Joined: Mon Jan 09, 2023 8:30 am
Re: Final Jitters
What has helped me a lot is to make sure I get a good night sleep. Although very tempting, it is not good for you to stay up all night studying. Also make sure you eat a good breakfast before the exam and take some deep breaths before entering. Remember that your life does not depend only on this exam. Believe in yourself and all the preparation you have done. Good luck!!
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- Joined: Mon Jan 09, 2023 9:58 am
Re: Final Jitters
I am going to make sure that I get a healthy amount of sleep, then in the morning I will eat a small breakfast, and if I need to, make a cup of tea or something to keep me awake and focused.
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Re: Final Jitters
Slow deep breaths and affirmations usually help me. Calming yourself down with slow breaths and giving yourself assurance and confidence by saying you got this and you're going to do well helps me.
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- Joined: Mon Jan 09, 2023 8:57 am
Re: Final Jitters
I think stretching can be really helpful! Along with controlled breathing exercises, I've read that doing the breathing exercises can help calm down your nervous system. I also recommend journaling or writing about your feelings! It can help to get it off your mind onto paper. However, resting is also vital before a big test! I hope this helps! C:
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- Joined: Mon Jan 09, 2023 9:21 am
Re: Final Jitters
I always recommend investing in some quality sleep, and grounding exercises like counting things you see around you. Most importantly remember that you can do it and not to overwhelm yourself if you get stuck, just breathe and push through!
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Re: Final Jitters
For me, it's important to remind myself that the result of this exam does not define me and will not determine my entire future. As long as I've worked hard to the best of my ability, I can go in confident knowing I'll be satisfied with whatever the result is. I know this is easier said than done, but it helps to remind yourself of these important points.
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Re: Final Jitters
Also, I have a little charm I've had for a few year that I take to every exam I've been anxious about. I keep it in my pocket and play with it whenever I feel overwhelmed during the exam. I took it to my ACT, and it really helped me ground myself and maximize my time. I got a really good score, and since then I've taken it to almost every exam. It helps calm me down, because part of anxiety is restlessness, so I highly recommend taking something you can play with in your pocket.
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- Joined: Mon Jan 09, 2023 8:35 am
Re: Final Jitters
Are we still going to have access to Chemistry Community for later chem classes or only if we are in Dr. Lavelle's class?
Re: Final Jitters
Make sure to eat a healthy meal and avoid caffeine and sugar to reduce the anxiety. Talk to yourself positively don’t doubt yourself because if you challenge your thoughts, it can consume your learning during the final.
Re: Final Jitters
Drink some tea and surround yourself by cool, relaxed people. OR, what sometimes works for me is surrounding yourself with people that are also stressed out. Then you realize that everyone is facing the same kind of stress you are and it's never that serious. Just drink tea, calm down, study up, and relax.
Re: Final Jitters
It is completely normal to have anxiety or stress before a test. I tend to really be intentional about my self care before any test that I take so I can ensure that I am going into the test with a level head and a clear mind. It is difficult at times to find time for yourself in college however really trying your best to do so may be the key to alleviating some of your stress.
Re: Final Jitters
I suggest taking time before the test to do self care and really clear your mind. I know that may seem counter intuitive when you are trying to absorb as much knowledge as possible however going into an exam with a good headspace is extremely important especially when you have multiple responsibilities to juggle.
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- Joined: Fri Sep 29, 2023 10:44 am
Re: Final Jitters
Marina Gollas 1A wrote:Does anyone know how to calm down your anxieties before you take this final? Since having test anxiety can be very distracting while you're trying to study or even while you're taking the test itself. Open to any tips:)
I calm myself down by watching the nutcracker on loop it’s really soothes me
Re: Final Jitters
I find cooking or ordering some good food the night before is an excellent way to feel energized and confident in the test.
Re: Final Jitters
Not to be an essential oils mom lol, but my mom gave me these essential oils for energy and relaxation and I use them before tests and they help me stay focused so much. I still will have a good amount of anxiety, which I think is just normal for me and I need to embrace, but the essential oils really do help me block this out once the test starts so that I can focus. I know this sounds like crystal stuff that may not help everyone but I LOVE and 10/10 recommend investing.
Re: Final Jitters
Sleep is a very thing for me when preparing for big exams. I would say that getting the right amount of sleep is sometimes better than trying to cram last minute information. Also, eating something small before the exam always helps wake me up!
Re: Final Jitters
You got this! If it makes you feel better, go on multiple walks! They are known for reducing anxiety.
Re: Final Jitters
Don't worry, the final was not too bad. Hopefully you are able to do amazing on it. Just focus on studying the past content and you will make it.
Re: Final Jitters
This is a great question to ask, and at the end of the day, every person‘s study methods are unique from one another. However, that being said, for me, I always find it useful to distribute my studying hours on an even time scale in order for me to not overwork myself and overload information in a way where retaining it becomes inefficient
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- Joined: Fri Sep 27, 2024 7:16 am
Re: Final Jitters
Hi! For me, I think along with the cliche set of tips we hear (rest, eating energizing meals, don't cram content immediately before), practicing a focused meditation really helps to easy my nerves. When I enter the test room, before opening the exam or worrying about content, I take at least 10 focused breaths to recenter myself and clear my head of any distractions.
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