Photoelectric effect and light  [ENDORSED]

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Photoelectric effect and light

Postby KiaraTenorio_14B » Sun Oct 17, 2021 11:04 pm

on #7 of the weekly achieve homework it is stated that the sparks in the microwave cannot be caused by the photoelectric effect, so does it only deal with light and therefore making the enrgy of the sparks electricity no the energy removed from the metal.

Miranda Hess 3I
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Re: Photoelectric effect and light  [ENDORSED]

Postby Miranda Hess 3I » Mon Oct 18, 2021 2:22 am

Hey, so I had a bit of trouble understanding your question but I'll try explaining it as best as I can. The question gives you the information to find the maximum wavelength that would eject electrons. Then, we are given the frequency of the microwave radiation, from which we can find the wavelength. Because the wavelength of the microwave doesn't match the maximum wavelength that we found earlier, we know that it doesn't meet the threshold ejection energy and the sparking can't be due to the photoelectric effect. The first part of the problem poses two possible explanations - the photoelectric effect or electrons jumping on surfaces in "pointy" areas. Since we've ruled out the photoelectric effect, it's likely the second explanation.

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