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Coronavirus Concern

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2020 12:04 pm
by Janet Nguy 2C
Hey everyone,

Some other students and I are getting a little worried about the coronavirus and its spread. I myself am a little uncomfortable attending classes/attending all of these chem final review sessions. I'm especially uncomfortable because all of these rooms where the review sessions are happening are super crowded and usually hold several hundred students.

I'm looking for some solutions/alternatives since it's becoming a lot more stressful to study for finals when I'm constantly worried I'm going to get sick.

Is it at all possible that we can get these sessions BruinCasted? Or if anyone has any online resources that are of equal caliber to anything that we could get from attending in person? Maybe we can make an effort to post any worksheets/resources/practice problems that are offered during these sessions? Just a few ideas...

If anyone has any more options/potential solutions/potential concerns, please post below :-)

Re: Coronavirus Concern

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2020 1:09 pm
by Rita Chen 1B
I think only 7 classrooms are equipped with Bruincast, so not sure if that is an option. I think that the most liekly option is to use zoom and have online classes instead.

Re: Coronavirus Concern

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2020 2:02 pm
by Sue Bin Park 2I
as we haven't heard anything from chem dept professors overall, i doubt anything will change until/unless ucla admin mandate moving schooling online.

Re: Coronavirus Concern

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2020 4:28 pm
by Michelle N - 2C
I am feeling the exact same way. I am highly concerned about both my grades and my safety. The TAs' and UAs' sessions are extremely helpful, but I am conflicted on going to them because of what's going on. I am trusting that they (meaning the department, Dr. Lavelle, etc) are working on a solution that works for all of us. :)

Re: Coronavirus Concern

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2020 4:35 pm
by Mitchell Koss 4G
We will probably get updates soon but is the in person final still going to take place? What about review sessions and class tomorrow? This class doesn’t have ccle so if there is a video of lecture where will it get posted?

Re: Coronavirus Concern

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2020 4:40 pm
by alex_4l
So Gene Block has spoken and initiated that all classes are online starting tomorrow. That being said if our professor chooses to still have class in person (is that against the law? not sure) that being said he would more than likely have to give an alternative option, such as having a link to his slides on the website or recordings for people who are worried about their health or people who are actually sick. As for the final he should be getting to us in a few hours about what the next move is for the test. I doubt it will be in person and if it is there should be smaller class sizes. Don't stress too much about the situation guys just focus on studying the material. Best thing to do right now is focus on your health, what you need to do to study and be flexible with what the professor decides is best for the class

Re: Coronavirus Concern

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2020 10:50 pm
by Annie Chantasirivisal_4G
I'm sure it's been a stressful night for all of us... since the Chancellor's email, I've just been constantly worried about the possibility of having an online final... I have really bad eyesight as it is and I'm really concerned about the strain of having to stare at a computer screen for three hours just for this final alone.

If we were to have an online final, it's also concerning to think about the people who will take advantage of being physically unsupervised and cheating for a better grade... having a webcam can only do so much if people in the past can still figure out a way to cheat by overriding the recording or whatever technical stuff people are capable of nowadays, lol. Also, I can't imagine how an online chemistry exam will play out since it's kind of hard to show work with a computer...

Honestly, at this point I wouldn't even mind being put in smaller rooms to take a physical final. Paper is so much easier to work with and I just don't want people to cheat :( it's hard to even (find the motivation) to study right now on top of the stress of not knowing what will happen for our final.