Bohr Frequency Condition

H-Atom ()

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Stephanie Torres 2F
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Bohr Frequency Condition

Postby Stephanie Torres 2F » Tue Oct 17, 2023 7:31 pm

Can someone elaborate on what specifically the Bohr frequency condition is and under what terms it is used?

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Re: Bohr Frequency Condition

Postby jasi_bermejo_3h » Tue Oct 17, 2023 7:43 pm

I believe that the Bohr Frequency Condition, delta E = hv, is of the idea that when the frequency of incoming light matches the energy difference for the transition of electrons between energy levels, you will have absorption of light.

Joyce Meng 2J
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Re: Bohr Frequency Condition

Postby Joyce Meng 2J » Tue Oct 17, 2023 7:47 pm

The Bohr Frequency Condition is a formula saying frequency = change in energy/Planck's constant, or
This formula means that for every frequency of an element, there needs to be a very specific change in energy when an atom absorbs or emits energy to make it to another energy level. For example, when a hydrogen atom emits energy so that it goes from n=4 to n=3, the frequency that it emits will always be the same, so the change in energy will always be the same from n=4 to n=3. This is what gives each element its own unique "fingerprint".

This formula is used for atomic spectra problems and is often paired with the to create the Rydberg equation.

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Re: Bohr Frequency Condition

Postby Kyle_Phong_2J » Tue Oct 17, 2023 7:54 pm

Bohr's frequency condition is the equation E = hν where E is the energy difference when an electron goes from a higher level to a lower level of energy (like n=4 to n=1), h is Planck's constant, and v is the frequency of the photon. We use this equation when trying to find frequency or switching variables around to find wavelength.

Ex) We have these two equations: E=hv and c=λv
If we are trying to solve for wavelength, we rearrange variables to get v=c/λ, E=hc/λ, and finally λ=hc/E

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