- Navigate to the bottom of a new or existing post edit screen.
Click the "Upload attachment" tab, located to the right of the "Options" tab.
Click the "Choose" button.
Select your file to upload.
After uploading, click the "Add the file" button.
Make sure to add a file comment that describes the image or file.
The file attachment will now display in a "POSTED ATTACHMENTS" section below the text entry section.
Uploaded images and videos will be displayed inline, such that users do not need to download the attachment to view the image.
PDFs will need to be downloaded.
Students can use ChemBioDraw and ChemBio3D to draw molecules, save them as PNG files, and then upload them to Chemistry Community. ChemBioDraw and ChemBio3D are available in the Science Learning Center (http://www.nslc.ucla.edu/).
See PDF below titled: Instructions for Creating Images in ChemBioDraw and ChemBio3D
- PNG 24-bit or 32-bit files are recommended for best quality images (file limit 5 MB).
MP4 files are recommended for animations and videos (file limit 500MB). Handbrake is a free and open-source software that can be used to convert videos into MP4 format; it can be downloaded from https://handbrake.fr
Maximum number of attachments per post: 3