Achieve HW #16

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Lizbeth Crisanto 3D
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Achieve HW #16

Postby Lizbeth Crisanto 3D » Wed Oct 20, 2021 9:04 pm

For #16 of the achieve hw, it asks to classify the wave patterns according to whether or not they are compatible with de Broglie's description of the allowed Bohr's orbits of the hydrogen atom and I have placed the continuous waves in the compatible side but it tells me its incorrect. Can anyone help me identify whether they are compatible or not? Thanks in advance!

Matthew Li 1B
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Re: Achieve HW #16

Postby Matthew Li 1B » Wed Oct 20, 2021 9:17 pm

the waves have to be both continuous and complete a full wavelength. it can have half wavelengths present.

Kathleen Wijaya 3L
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Re: Achieve HW #16

Postby Kathleen Wijaya 3L » Thu Oct 21, 2021 7:56 pm

Just adding to above, if they are compatible the waves at the beginning and the end of the graph should coincide (aka, keep the wavelength going) if they were put together end to end. So if at the first end, the wavelength is a crest, the end wavelength should be a trough.

Maggie Black 1C
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Re: Achieve HW #16

Postby Maggie Black 1C » Thu Oct 21, 2021 8:00 pm

There are two criteria that you need to fulfill in order for the wave to be compatible. Not only do the waves have to maintain a consistent wavelength, but they also have to start and end at the same place without any irregularities.

On my first attempt, I thought I fulfilled both of these, but I didn't realize that one of the waves started and ended in the same place and would have failed to produce a continuous wave (the two peaks would have lined up, instead of a peak next to a trough).

Hope that helps.

Arjan G 2H
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Re: Achieve HW #16

Postby Arjan G 2H » Sun Oct 24, 2021 12:30 pm

Hi! So for this problem, we are asked to compare different wavelengths and see if they are compatible with De Broglie's description of the allowed Bohr orbits of the hydrogen atom. First, it is important to know that a wave can only be classified under this definition of the wave has full cycles, meaning there are a specific amount of waves in the section of the wave we are observing. A full wavelength is from crest to crest, which is the highest parts of the wave, or from trough to trough, which is the part of the wavelength with the lowest amplitude. Any of the wave options that have half a wavelength or do not have an even number of waves does not follow the description of DeBroglie. In addition, the waves have to be symmetrical, meaning that all of the amplitudes and wavelengths must match. If there are any waves that are uneven in amplitude, then they are not compatible. I hope this helps!

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Re: Achieve HW #16

Postby masontsang » Sun Oct 24, 2021 12:57 pm


The wavelengths should be continuous and constructively interfere with each other (the waves should complete a full cycle if you line up the beginning and end of the graph). The wavelengths should also be uniform (same length).

I hope this helps!

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