wavelength range order in formula

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Sisam Bhattarai 2C
Posts: 131
Joined: Fri Sep 29, 2023 10:33 am

wavelength range order in formula

Postby Sisam Bhattarai 2C » Tue Oct 31, 2023 7:54 pm

When solving for the wavelength range with the equation v=R[1/n1^2-1/n2^2] when n=5, how do you find the four different wavelengths and which would be initial for the second pair, because 5 is constant. So, wouldn't n1=5?

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Re: wavelength range order in formula

Postby awang3I » Tue Oct 31, 2023 8:34 pm

Yes, n1 would be 5. To find the wavelength range, solve the equation v=R[1/n1^2-1/n2^2] separately for when n2 = 4 and when n2 = 1. This will give you both the longest and shortest possible frequencies which you can use to find the longest and shortest possible wavelengths.

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