Removing an electron to form an ion

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Sono Fukushima 2D
Posts: 103
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Removing an electron to form an ion

Postby Sono Fukushima 2D » Thu Oct 26, 2023 10:45 am

In 1E.17 and 18, the questions ask what subshell an electron would be removed from to make an ion. Why are electrons removed from a s-subshell when the element itself is in the d-block? For example, the textbook says Mn would have an electron removed from 4s. Why would it not be 3d since that is where the element lies? Also does this mean that the configuration now written out would still have all the electrons in the d orbital it originally had?

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Re: Removing an electron to form an ion

Postby 205991792 » Thu Oct 26, 2023 10:48 am

It is generally that the higher, and the most outmost electrons are removed first. That is why in the textbook example for Mn, 4s has been affected and not 3d.

Austin Cortes 1E
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Re: Removing an electron to form an ion

Postby Austin Cortes 1E » Thu Oct 26, 2023 10:51 am

When removing an electron to form an ion, electrons in the highest energy level are taken first. The 4s subshell is at a higher energy than the 3d subshell. Because of this, the first electrons to be taken from the 3d elements happen to be the 4s electrons. With regards to the electron configuration, they would have all the electrons in the d orbital because of this.

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