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Postby elliekauffman1I » Wed Nov 01, 2017 10:02 pm

For part A, how do we know that this is false? What is Zeff?

Vivian Nguyen
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Re: 2.37

Postby Vivian Nguyen » Wed Nov 01, 2017 11:47 pm

Zeff is the Effective Nuclear Charge. Nuclear charge describes the positive charge of the protons in the nucleus of the atom. In many-electron systems, the nuclear charge is less than what it is supposed to be based on the protons because of the electron interactions. For example, the inner shells provide a "shielding" effect, especially the s-orbitals because they're close so close to the nucleus. Likewise, the electrons repulse against each other, which negate more of the effects of the nucleus. As a result, electrons in the outer shells experience an "effective nuclear charge" or Zeff that is less than its real nuclear charge.

So the answer to the question is false because the Zeff is DEPENDENT on the number of electrons in an atom.

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