Lewis Structure Octet Rule  [ENDORSED]

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Lewis Structure Octet Rule

Postby Arkinrao3A » Fri Oct 14, 2016 8:31 pm

When using the octet rule in what cases would there be an unpaired electron, and what happens to the unpaired electron when making the Lewis Structure?

Yuchien Ma 2L
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Re: Lewis Structure Octet Rule

Postby Yuchien Ma 2L » Fri Oct 14, 2016 10:05 pm

Electrons will always fill empty shells first (Hund's rule) so make sure that you draw out the electrons on all four sides before you start pairing them.
For instance, carbon will have four valence electrons, one on each side, never two together on one side because electrons naturally repel each other.
Hope this helps!

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Re: Lewis Structure Octet Rule

Postby michaeljwilson3 » Fri Oct 14, 2016 10:23 pm

I'm confused about which cases there would be a double or triple bond?

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Re: Lewis Structure Octet Rule  [ENDORSED]

Postby TiengTum2D » Fri Oct 14, 2016 11:39 pm

I believe a double or triple bond is only needed when you have used up all the valence electrons in your Lewis structure and the central atom does not obey the octet rule (having a full shell of 8 electrons). For example, nitrate ion, NO3-, has a total of 5+3(6)+1=24 valence electrons but if you were to draw single bonds for nitrogen and draw 6 dots (electrons) around each oxygen atom, your nitrogen atom would only have 6 electrons, which violates the Octet rule. In this case, there has to be a double bond between a nitrogen and oxygen atom. Hope this helps!

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