week 5 achieve question 11

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week 5 achieve question 11

Postby 505766240 » Mon Oct 25, 2021 4:26 pm

Question 11 asks to arrange a set of bonds according to length. For Si-S, Si-O, and Si-H, why is Si-S the longest bond? I thought it would be the shortest since they are the closest together out of the options.

It also says that as the atomic radius of bonding atoms decreases, the bond length decreases. I believe Si-S is decreasing in atomic radius, which I thought would result in a shorter bond.

Lauren Brotman 2F
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Re: week 5 achieve question 11

Postby Lauren Brotman 2F » Mon Oct 25, 2021 6:44 pm

Si-S has the longest bond because S has the longest radius out of S, O, and H. You could figure this out with periodic table trends. Radius generally increases as you go down a group and decreases as you go across a period. Based on Sulfur's placement on the periodic table, it has the longest radius.

Erika Li 1E
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Re: week 5 achieve question 11

Postby Erika Li 1E » Mon Oct 25, 2021 8:08 pm

To find the relative bond lengths, you need to compare the atomic radius of S, O, and H by looking at the periodic trends. In general, the atomic radius decreases across a period since the effective nuclear charge is increasing and increases down a group as the electrons are occupying higher energy levels. Based on these trends, S would a larger atomic radius than O or H since it has electrons occupying the second energy level, which is on average farther from the nucleus. Therefore, Si-S has the longest bond length as the atomic radius of the bonding atoms is the greatest. Si-H has the shortest bond length as the atomic radius of the bonding atoms is the smallest. Hope this helps!

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Re: week 5 achieve question 11

Postby Aneesha_Nema_3C » Tue Oct 26, 2021 5:34 pm

As the atomic radius of the bonding atoms increases, bond length increases. Therefore, Si-S would have the longest bond out of the 3 options because sulfur has a larger atomic radius compared to oxygen and hydrogen.

Rose Arcallana 2B
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Re: week 5 achieve question 11

Postby Rose Arcallana 2B » Tue Oct 26, 2021 8:31 pm

The bond lengths usually correspond with the atomic radius of the elements. This increase goes down a group and decreases across a period. So first pick the element with the largest radius for the first element, then do it for the second one. When comparing with the other elements given, Si-S has the largest radius combination, thus the longest bond. :)

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