Resonance structures within a real world context

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Resonance structures within a real world context

Postby 306060519 » Mon Dec 04, 2023 10:41 pm


Within the real world, do resonance structures always lean towards a certain stability? Are there certain levels that each wishes to reach in order to attain proper stability? Or will it always reach towards the point of lowest electronegativity? I am a bit confused on the subject itself and nothing is clicking for me. Please help.

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Re: Resonance structures within a real world context

Postby 305920501 » Mon Dec 04, 2023 10:50 pm

The real world application of resonance structures is that each compound will exist in the real world as a combination of all of its resonance structures. That is why the bond lengths will be somewhere in between double and single bonds if the resonance structures change based on the involvement of a single or double bond between two molecules. This structure promotes stability in the molecule as it shares the properties of both double and single bonds.

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