Dissociation energy and Polarizability

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Serenity Shadowens 2F
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Dissociation energy and Polarizability

Postby Serenity Shadowens 2F » Wed Nov 15, 2023 8:31 pm

What is the relationship between dissociation energy and polarizability?

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Re: Dissociation energy and Polarizability

Postby 806137743 » Wed Nov 15, 2023 8:32 pm

dissociation energy is the energy required to break a bond and polarizqability is a measure of an atom's ability to move its electrons around. As far as the two being correlated, I don't think there is a direct relationship, however if the dissociation energy is high, that means its electrons are held tighter in this tighter bond, and thus less polarizable. and vise versa, with a lower dissociation energy the electrons are more free to move around and thus are more polarizable.

405957853 3I
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Re: Dissociation energy and Polarizability

Postby 405957853 3I » Wed Nov 15, 2023 11:12 pm

Dissassociation is defined as the amount of energy (positive) needed to break a bond, and Polarizability is how easily an electron in an electron cloud can be distorted and gravitated towards a positive charge. I don’t believe there is a direct correlation between these two ideas other than the idea that something is being removed in both (bond and electron respectively)

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