Polarizability and Ionic Character

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Victoria Luu - 1C
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Polarizability and Ionic Character

Postby Victoria Luu - 1C » Mon Nov 19, 2018 9:43 pm

How can you use the polarizing power to find which element has more ionic character? What are the general guidelines?

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Joined: Fri Sep 28, 2018 12:17 am

Re: Polarizability and Ionic Character

Postby ChathuriGunasekera1D » Tue Nov 20, 2018 8:10 am

If an ion has more polarizing power, that means that it is able to influence another atom's electron cloud shape. For example, Ca2+ has polarizing power, and can alter the electron cloud of Cl- (or other ions). The smaller the size of the ion, and the larger the charge, the more polarizing power a cation has. Polarizing power applies to cations.

Polarizability applies to anions, because their electron cloud gets pushed around in the presence of a cation. For example, Br- has polarizability because its electron cloud shifts in the presence of Na+ for example.

So if you wanted to strictly use polarizing power, you can only determine the ionic character in a cation. As polarizing power increases, ionic character increases. Likewise strictly using polarizability, as polarizability increases, ionic character of anions increases.

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Re: Polarizability and Ionic Character

Postby EllerySchlingmann1E » Tue Nov 20, 2018 10:14 am

It definitely depends on which kinds of elements and ions you want to talk about when discussing polarizing power. As mentioned above, polarizing power describes a cation's ability to create a dipole moment in an anion by disturbing its electron cloud. Because polarizing power follows the same trend as ionization energy: it increases across the period and decreases down the group. This is because small, highly charged cations have the highest polarizing power.

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