Textbook problem 2.45

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Textbook problem 2.45

Postby isaiah_granados_2l » Thu Dec 07, 2023 8:46 am

Hi everyone,

This question asks us to identify the composition of bonds and hybridization of each lone pair for the molecule H2C=CHCHO. My confusion is regarding the two lone pairs on oxygen. The answer key says they will have Osp2 hybridization. But I am confused because I thought since they're lone pairs they wouldn't undergo hybridization. Why wouldn't the orbital just be s?

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Re: Textbook problem 2.45

Postby ruby_sievers_3H » Thu Dec 07, 2023 9:30 am

When identifying the hybridization, you consider all regions of electron density bonded to the central atom. Since the Oxygen has one double bond and two lone pairs, it is a trigonal planar shape and therefore has a hybridization of sp2.

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Re: Textbook problem 2.45

Postby 306166573 » Thu Dec 07, 2023 11:43 pm

For hybridization, consider all regions of electron density, that includes the lone pairs. Shape can determine SP formation.

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