Taking name to formula

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Taking name to formula

Postby 505934309 » Fri Dec 08, 2023 5:19 pm

When going from the name to the formula one thing that I get lost on is figuring out how much there is of the anion.
I thought that you could add up all the charges to find how many of the anion you need to cancel it out, but I'm going wrong somewhere. Could someone walk me through how they find the name of the anion for tetraamminediaquacolbalt(III) bromide

I understand how to name the cation, I just need help with finding the amount of anion. Thanks!

Steven Tjandra 1B
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Joined: Fri Sep 29, 2023 12:20 pm

Re: Taking name to formula

Postby Steven Tjandra 1B » Fri Dec 08, 2023 5:31 pm


Alright let's try breaking that name down to its components
Tetra Amine: 4 (NH3) groups
Di aqua: 2 (OH2) groups
Cobalt(III): Cobalt with 3+ charge
Bromide: Just bromine but gotta figure out how much

Ok nice!
So NH3 and OH2 don't have a charge, so they don't factor into our calculations.
We know that Cobalt has a +3 charge and that Bromine has a -1 charge since it's in group 17
Since the ion is neutral, or has a +0 charge, we just have to get enough Br to cancel out that +3 charge, which will be 3!

So 3 Bromines

Brownie Lover,
Steven Tjandra

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