Coordination Numbers in Metals

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Coordination Numbers in Metals

Postby trishaferrer » Fri Nov 26, 2021 9:00 am

How would you identify coordination numbers of metals?

Meghan Spoeri 2D
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Re: Coordination Numbers in Metals

Postby Meghan Spoeri 2D » Fri Nov 26, 2021 9:37 am

hi! The coordination number of a metal is equal to the total number of donor atoms from the ligands. In other words, the coordination number = number of bonds between the metal and ligands. for instance, if you have the compound [M(CO)3F3], the metal M is bound to 3 COs and 3 Fs so therefore there are 6 bonds and the coordination number = 6.

Rachel Bartley 2B
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Re: Coordination Numbers in Metals

Postby Rachel Bartley 2B » Fri Nov 26, 2021 10:07 am

Hi! The coordination number in metals is the number of ligands that can bond to the given metal. With that, ligands are atoms, molecules, or ions that are bonded to a central atom, and in this case, a metal.

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