Biological Functions of TMs

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Biological Functions of TMs

Postby 306278293 » Tue Dec 05, 2023 2:37 pm

In lecture, Dr. Lavelle went over a list of transitional metals and their corresponding biological functions (ie: chromium assists insulin in control of blood sugar, cobalt is in vitamin B-12, etc). Are we expected to know these TM functions for the final exam?

In addition, in the same lecture, we went over an example of a porphyrin ligand in a heme complex that when bound to a protein becomes myoglobin, which is allows hemoglobin to bind to 4 O2's, giving it a higher O2 carrying capacity. Are we expected to be able to analyse other biological examples/will we be tested on similar questions and have to know how certain ligands benefits these biological functions?

Tala Hamdan 3B
Posts: 102
Joined: Fri Sep 29, 2023 11:30 am

Re: Biological Functions of TMs

Postby Tala Hamdan 3B » Tue Dec 05, 2023 2:43 pm

It is stated in the outline that we must know some biologically important compounds and their relation to ligands (myoglobin hemoglobin, and vitamin B12) so I believe that we should know them. And I think we should know the importance of the transition metals in biological compounds as well :)

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