Midterm 1 Question #4

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Midterm 1 Question #4

Postby 005917072 » Thu Mar 14, 2024 10:55 pm

There was a true or false question, "When the value of Q is large, the equilibrium lies on the product side of the equilibrium reaction," which I know is false, but I just wanted clarification on the wording used in the question. I know a large Q value means there's more product at that point in the reaction than there is when it's at equilibrium, which means the reverse reaction is favored and more reactant should be produced. Since it's false that the equilibrium lies on the product side, does that mean that the equilibrium "lies on" the side of the reaction which is favored? So the equilibrium lying on the reactant side means the reactants are favored?

Andres Medrano 1I
Posts: 93
Joined: Fri Sep 29, 2023 12:22 pm

Re: Midterm 1 Question #4

Postby Andres Medrano 1I » Thu Mar 14, 2024 11:16 pm

Hey! I think the reason this question was false is because equilibrium never changes regardless of the value of Q.
The equilibrium is a value that will not change in this case, so it doesn't lie on either reactants or products. Hopefully this clears things up!

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