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Clarification for Ka and Kb

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 12:09 pm
by Chem_Mod
I wanted to clarify the concept of Ka (aciditiy constant) and Kb (basicity constant). We know that when Ka is a large number, such as 10-1, then it is a stronger acid because it has greater [H3O+]. So if Kb is also a large number such as 10-1, then it should also be a stronger base compared to a Kb that is smaller, for example, 10-11, because Kb=10-1 has greater [OH-]? So Ka is in terms of the acid or [H3O+] and Kb is in terms of the base or [OH-]?

Re: Clarification for Ka and Kb

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 12:09 pm
by Chem_Mod
All your statements are correct.