ka/kb and pH/pOH relationship

The Conjugate Seesaw

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Jasmine 2C
Posts: 184
Joined: Wed Sep 18, 2019 12:18 am

ka/kb and pH/pOH relationship

Postby Jasmine 2C » Mon Jan 20, 2020 2:25 pm

If NH3 + H20 -> NH4+ + OH- has a certain kb value that is related to the concentration of OH- in the solution, is the ka of that reaction related to the concentration of H3O+ in that same solution?

If so, wouldn't that make ka and kb the same as pH and pOH, especially since ka * kb = kw and pH + pOH = pKw?

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Re: ka/kb and pH/pOH relationship

Postby lilymayek_1E » Mon Jan 20, 2020 3:05 pm

if you're talking about the "conjugate seesaw" example in lecture, you're correct in that [H3O+] is related to Ka (because it's the K constant of the acid). Ka and Kb are related to pH and pOH, because taking the negative log of that particular K value value (where it's the Ka or Kb depends) will give you the pH/OH of the solution. while the Ka and Kb values multiplied together = 10^-14, pH+pOH=14, so you are right in your thinking.

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