Neutralization Reaction

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Anna Turk 1D
Posts: 101
Joined: Fri Sep 24, 2021 5:14 am

Neutralization Reaction

Postby Anna Turk 1D » Sat Dec 04, 2021 3:58 pm

How do you know when an acid base reaction will produce water and when it will not?

Reza Hemmati 3L
Posts: 102
Joined: Fri Sep 24, 2021 7:36 am

Re: Neutralization Reaction

Postby Reza Hemmati 3L » Sat Dec 04, 2021 5:49 pm


I'm pretty sure an acid-base neutralization always produces water*. It's not always written because the water produced is negligible compared to the relatively vast amount of water in the solutions being mixed in the neutralization.

*Acids donate H+ when they dissociate, which reacts with the OH- that bases either release when dissociating or take a H+ from water to produce. (The reaction between H+ and OH- to form H2O is strongly favored with Kw being so low, we'll learn more about this in 14B)

Hope this helps! ^^

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