Buffer Solutions Maintaining pH

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Buffer Solutions Maintaining pH

Postby laurence14b2f » Sun Dec 10, 2023 11:56 pm

Hi everyone! I had a question regarding buffer solutions and how they operate with pH. How do buffer solutions maintain the pH within a narrow range in biological systems, and what impact does this stability have on cellular processes? Thank you!

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Re: Buffer Solutions Maintaining pH

Postby Chem_Mod » Wed Dec 13, 2023 10:59 pm

Hi, so buffer solutions maintain the pH within a narrow range by, for example, using a high conjugate base to weak acid ratio (20:1 in bicarbonate/carbonic acid buffer, for example). It also seems that sodium ions play a role in regulating bicarbonate. This buffer is important for regulating pH of blood, specifically keeping it from becoming more acidic because of the high ratio of conjugate base to weak acid. There's also other buffers like proteins acting as buffers to regulate pH in blood and in cells

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