8.5 specific heat capacity vs molar heat capacity?

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8.5 specific heat capacity vs molar heat capacity?

Postby 904940852 » Sat Jan 20, 2018 6:38 pm

In the book it shows that q=cΔT=mCsΔT and q=nCmΔT, would this also mean that q=CΔT=nCmΔT? If not, then why is that?

Lourick Bustamante 1B
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Re: 8.5 specific heat capacity vs molar heat capacity?

Postby Lourick Bustamante 1B » Sat Jan 20, 2018 6:54 pm

I believe that they are equal, but q=CdeltaT is the general form of the equation, assuming that you are only reacting 1 gram or 1 mole of something. If the amount of whatever you are reacting is not 1, then the calculations need to be specific to the amount of whatever you are reacting. Therefore, if you are given the weight or amount of moles, you need to calculate this into your work equation, which then would cause you to have to use mCdeltaT (if given the mass) or nCdeltaT (if given moles). Remember that the value of C changes depending on which equation you are using--- If you are given the mass, you need to use specific heat capacity; if you are given the moles, you need to use molar heat capacity.

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