Identifying the nucleophile or electrophile

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Identifying the nucleophile or electrophile

Postby rebecca_handler_1B » Mon Mar 06, 2017 4:17 pm

I was still a little confused on the question he went over at the end of class. How can you tell if the positive or negative side of a molecule is stronger?

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Re: Identifying the nucleophile or electrophile

Postby Madeline_Foo_3J » Mon Mar 06, 2017 5:22 pm

I think it depends on the shape of the molecule?

Marissa Petchpradub 2F
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Re: Identifying the nucleophile or electrophile

Postby Marissa Petchpradub 2F » Mon Mar 06, 2017 7:19 pm

A lot of the time it depends on the electronegativity of the elements in question. For example, if the carbon atom is connected to only one oxygen, it will have a smaller delta positive charge while the oxygen has a small delta negative charge. If the carbon atom is attached to two oxygens, it will have a larger delta positive charge; since there are two oxygens, there is more electronegativity, which will cause the carbon atom to be less negative since the oxygens have a stronger pull on the electrons.

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