affect of size

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affect of size

Postby EMurphy_2L » Wed Nov 20, 2019 6:59 pm

how do ions affect polarizability?? how does the loss of electrons change size and how does that change polarizability?
the question is from:arrange these in increasing polarizability: Cl-, Br-, N-3, O-2

Tyler Angtuaco 1G
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Re: affect of size

Postby Tyler Angtuaco 1G » Wed Nov 20, 2019 7:11 pm

Atoms with larger radii are more easily polarizable. In other words, the electrons of larger atoms are easier to pull away from the nucleus of the atom. Thus, the polarizability of atoms increases down a group because size increases down a group (more electrons occupy more energy shells) and the outer shell electrons are pulled less by the nuclear charge. When polar molecules (like H20) are in the presence of ions (like Na+Cl-), opposite charges will attract due to ion-dipole forces. It is important to note that not all polar molecules are dipoles. CO2, for example, is polar because there is a difference in electronegativity (the tendency to attract electrons), but is not a dipole because its dipoles between oxygen and carbon cancel out. A molecule like CO2 would only have London dispersion forces present.

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Re: affect of size

Postby 105289321 » Sat Dec 07, 2019 9:44 pm

The larger the anion, the more polarizable. The smaller the cation the more polarizing effect they have on an anion

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