Graph using einstein equation

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Jimmy lira-1G
Posts: 61
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Graph using einstein equation

Postby Jimmy lira-1G » Sun Apr 22, 2018 11:32 pm

I saw a question on review that asked:

Draw a graph comparing the inverse wavelength of a photon versus the energy of photon (label axis)
- I understand that the einstein equation us used and the equation to graph is
E= hc/wavelength, however I was unclear how they graphed a line from this equation, how do I put that equation into y=mx +b form ?
-Jimmy Lira 1 G

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Re: Graph using einstein equation

Postby Chem_Mod » Mon Apr 23, 2018 3:11 pm

Hey Jimmy, so this question requires us to plot the "inverse wavelength" and energy of the photon. You are correct to think that we will be using E = hc/wavelength. In order to derive a linear relationship of the two, we can name E (energy) as our Y on the graph and 1/lambda as our X. As a result we will have Y = hc*X. h and c are both constants so their product would also be a constant. Thus the slope of this graph would be m = h*c. Hope this helps!

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Re: Graph using einstein equation

Postby Chem_Mod » Mon Apr 23, 2018 3:15 pm

And if you compare the equation y=mx +b and E=hc(1/λ) the y corresponds to E, the constant hc corresponds to m, and x corresponds to (1/λ). The value of b (the y- intercept) would be 0 in this case.

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