Steam vs Boiling Water

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Steam vs Boiling Water

Postby Stevin1H » Thu Jan 31, 2019 12:55 am

Can anyone explain the concept behind why steam at 100 degrees Celsius causes a worse burn than boiling water at 100 degrees Celsius? I know it involves the phase change chart but I would like a more precise definition

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Re: Steam vs Boiling Water

Postby gwynlu1L » Thu Jan 31, 2019 3:45 am

Basically, you have to understand that a phase change takes heat to reach the vaporization point and more heat to actually change the molecules into the desired phase. Once enough heat is added to water that it reaches the vaporization temp, any xtra heat added will cause some of the molecules to change into the vapor phase. Thus, at this point, there is a mix of water and vapor, all at the same temperature but with varying levels of heat added. Since pure vapor requires a lot more heat than water at the same temperature, vapor will burn you worse. When you think of the graph, the plateau between the water and the vapor is the extra heat being added to change water into vapor. The temperature, or y axis is the same, but the heat added is still increasing.

Diana Bibireata 1B
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Re: Steam vs Boiling Water

Postby Diana Bibireata 1B » Thu Jan 31, 2019 10:21 am

In the process of phase change (in this case vaporization) the temperature doesn't change (stays at 100C). However, when making steam, there is still heat and energy being added to break the bonds, which is why steam causes severe burns.

Letizia Ye 4F
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Re: Steam vs Boiling Water

Postby Letizia Ye 4F » Thu Jan 31, 2019 12:56 pm

Steam causes worse burns as when it contacts your skin, it's transferring both the energy from the phase change, as well as the additional energy it possesses as a vapor.

Jasmine Chow 1F
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Re: Steam vs Boiling Water

Postby Jasmine Chow 1F » Thu Jan 31, 2019 10:56 pm

It takes more energy; in the form of heat; to go from water to steam than it does to go from water to boiling water. Since it takes more energy to go through that phase change you would get a worse burn.

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Re: Steam vs Boiling Water

Postby ran2000 » Sat Feb 02, 2019 10:43 pm

Essentially, boiling water at 100 degrees celcius, becomes steam at 100 degrees celcius when it overcomes the latent heat of vaporization. Hence, when skin is exposed to steam, it absorbs more heat from steam as it fist needs to lose the heat of vaporization and convert back to water at 100 degrees. Thus, steam causes more severe burns.

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Re: Steam vs Boiling Water

Postby taryn_baldus2E » Sat Feb 02, 2019 11:15 pm

There is a difference in energy that causes steam to produce more. Refer to the concept of how temperature does not change when more heat is added during a change of physical state.

Dong Hyun Lee 4E
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Re: Steam vs Boiling Water

Postby Dong Hyun Lee 4E » Sun Feb 03, 2019 5:29 pm

The temperature of the water doesnt change but when it becomes steam, the extra energy due to phase change results in a more severe burn

Bryant Vong 2G
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Re: Steam vs Boiling Water

Postby Bryant Vong 2G » Sun Feb 03, 2019 6:03 pm

There is more energy in steam, since the energy in boiling water tops out at 100 degrees Celsius as it is going through the phase change.

Ethan Yi 1K
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Re: Steam vs Boiling Water

Postby Ethan Yi 1K » Sun Feb 03, 2019 6:21 pm

steam has a lot more energy already put into it that made it go from water to steam, which is why it causes worse burns

Anna O 2C
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Re: Steam vs Boiling Water

Postby Anna O 2C » Sun Feb 03, 2019 11:57 pm

Steam is at a higher energy level than boiling water is so even though they are existing at the same temperature, the extra energy and thus burning ability is transferred to a burn victim when the steam condenses and lowers temperature after contact with skin.

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