
Class Evaluations

All courses at UCLA are evaluated by students at the end of each quarter. These class evaluations consist of seven questions on a 1-9 scale and the option to write additional comments. They are handled by a centrally administered organization, the Office of Instructional Development, that is independent of all departments at UCLA.

The second of these seven questions which asks the student to evaluate lecture/class presentations is the single most important question dealing with the preparation, organization, and quality of a class. Dr. Lavelle has taught at UCLA since 1997. Below are yearly averages for his UCLA classes from 2001 to the present - a total of 25,784 student evaluations with an average lecture quality of 8.18 on a 1-9 scale.

Lecture Quality
Average score out of 1-9
Number of students
completing a course evaluation
2023-24 8.21 664
2021-22 8.34 1091
2020-21 8.24 1149
2019-20 8.11 1006
2018-19 8.51 1090
2017-18 8.54 1034
2016-17 8.40 1391
2015-16 8.00 1934
2014-15 8.13  878
2013-14 8.04 1042
2012-13 8.03 1118
2011-12 8.02 1096*
2010-11 8.20 1550
2009-10 8.04 1568
2008-09 8.13 1616
2007-08 8.29 1410
2006-07 8.20 1289
2005-06 8.29 1349
2004-05 8.23 1106
2003-04 7.93  854
2002-03 7.84 1062
2001-02 8.23  487
8.18 25,784

*Online evaluation during last 3 weeks of class. Prior to 2011 evaluation done in class.

Courses Taught at UCLA

Chem-10A (General Chemistry for Life Science Majors)
Chem-14A (Atomic and Molecular Structure, Acids and Bases)
Chem-14B (Equilibria, Thermodynamics, Electrochemistry, Kinetics)
Chem-19 (Fiat Lux Seminar: Chemistry as Foundation for Research)
Chem-20B (Chemical Energetics and Change)
Chem-89 (Honors Seminar)
Chem-89HC (Honors Contract)
Chem-99 (Student Research Program)
Chem-156 (Physical Biochemistry)
Chem-192C (Undergraduate Assistant Education Practicum)
Chem-192D (Undergraduate Assistant Education Practicum)
Chem-196A (Research Apprenticeship in Chemistry and Biochemistry)
Chem-196B (Research Apprenticeship in Chemistry and Biochemistry)
Chem-199 (Directed Research in Chemistry and Biochemistry)
Chem-375 (Graduate Teaching Apprenticeship Practicum)